
hire a Christmas tree

It has been a long standing British tradition to drag a tree into the house each Christmas, dress it up and then watch it die., resulting in needles dropped all over the house. Once the tree is dead we"re faced with the challenge of getting rid of its bare corpse "" of course resulting in further needles dropped in your car. These always prove to be a pain to get out of carpets, they resist the Hoover and the brush, usually until around the following November when it is time to drag another specimen in to start all over again. So what is the solution?

For many years many an entrepreneur has proposed and marketed "the solution". Ranging from special bags to tie your tree up in, to liquid sprays that glue the needles in place. None of these have ever quite taken off and before long people give in and buy a plastic tree that they can bring out and dust off every Christmas. The trouble is that a fake Christmas tree never quite feels the same; you don"t get that wonderful Christmassy smell for one thing. One of the best solutions that people use is to buy a species of Christmas tree that holds its needles for longer, such as the Nordman Fir. This works to a degree but can be very pricey. Other ideas have been to cut the base of your tree at an angle to allow more surface area with which the tree can draw up water, here the issue is that if the trees reservoir of water goes down it is more likely that a part of that surface area will not be exposed to water and will dry out and stop sucking up water even after it has been topped up. Bleach has been said to help with cut Christmas trees as it has been used with cut flowers, however there is evidence that this actually inhibits the trees ability to function properly.

The best solution however seems to be to hire a Christmas tree over the festive season rather than buying one. When you buy a Christmas tree you end up with all of the above problems as well as failing from an echo friendly point of view, however hired Christmas trees keep their needles and are planted out after Christmas to create woodlands for Britain"s wildlife. A tree can absorb 10% of your annual carbon footprint in the course of its life too, so hiring a Christmas tree each year can go a long way towards combating your carbon emissions.

In addition to this when you hire a Christmas tree it is delivered to your door just in time for Christmas and taken away when the New Year arrives. No more forcing a tree into the boot of your car or strapping it onto the roof, no more needles in your carpet, no more dead trees left on the road side or in your back garden. In short we have a solution to those Christmas tree needles after all.
So in short, the solution; Don"t buy a Christmas tree, hire a Christmas tree!

